There is a difference in promising to do things for people and to them. There us an agenda to make a ruling elite and a bunch of serfs.
this will never work but liberals are too stupid to know it.
first off all you have to do is cross the border and buy a car.
if they will not let you license it in the state then many will license it out of state.
There is a difference in promising to do things for people and to them. There us an agenda to make a ruling elite and a bunch of serfs.
this will never work but liberals are too stupid to know it.
first off all you have to do is cross the border and buy a car.
if they will not let you license it in the state then many will license it out of state.
I read an experience of rtaveling from L A to Las Vegas in an electric. One LONG stop half way to recharge. A gasser would do the whole distance.
Lots of states are following California s lead but have winter. Add in the fact that I can do my weekly shopping taking an hour or more and note the man sitting in his electric still there plugged in, with a total of 4 stations at that store.
The day may come when we travel less and hopefully wont need to. Right now electrics are at the stage gasoline was when you had to get the farmers team to bail your flivver out.
the zoog fire is burning just outside of redding ca., 0% containment, 3 dead.
sounded like ww2 with air tanker traffic going over the house yesterday.
quite amazing the size of aircraft used; large jets, military air lift transport plus the prop jobs of cal fire.
The cooperation between fire departments is a good side of humanity. My locals have traveled 1000 miles to California a few times. They say they hope that it can never be repaid.
Other times a crew will man a station for paramedic stuff to let the nearby town fight a huge fire with their own commsnd structure.
BTW. Not a word from mother on charitable opportunities
in a disgusting new video, anthony morris iii talks about apostates, and brings to mind his 'hot dog' talk all over again as he anticipates the demise of ex-jehovah's witnesses.
i don't know if you're familiar with maggots, but when you see a whole bunch of them it's not a pleasant sight.. .
what a fitting picture of the final end of all of god's enemies.
at what point does the jw head quarters put people out.
i know if they get pregnant and are not essential they are gone.
what about injuries, illness ect?.
Some bethelite can answer better but; the minute they become a burden they are sent away. Whether it is age, illness, just like a farmer with a work horse. The elite are kept on and those are showcased.
when you're easily convinced about a total impossibility.. such as what?.
such as a defeated president actually being able to refuse.
to step down from office.
ron white said it best you can't fix stupid and it seems most if not all liberals are exactly that very stupid.
in the video the minneapolis city council the very ones who voted to refund the police are whining that the crime is running rampant.who would have thunk it.
Thr orivate security is because there are people who are equalererer
quote from the introduction:.
some apparently claimed to have received a special, mystical knowledge from god.e but their teaching contradicted jesus’ message and encouraged selfishness and a lack of love.
so john calls these teachers antichrists, or those who teach against christ.
Quote from the introduction:
Some apparently claimed to have received a special, mystical knowledge from God.e But their teaching contradicted Jesus’ message and encouraged selfishness and a lack of love. So John calls these teachers antichrists, or those who teach against Christ
Enough said
the truth that leads to eternal life at a church rummage sale.
1968 printing and a 74 printing of god's eternal purpose now triumphing for mens good.
i know the truth book has some things in it that are a bit damning.
You paid too much. They were 50 cents or a dollar
I'm still looking for "what did the bible teach last year"
it is said of drunken behavior "i didn't know what i was doing - i was drunk.
" as if alcohol makes people do things against their own character and temperament.. .
i've known just a few alcoholics in my lifetime.
Weimer republic. You cant figure who would be the charismatic leader but there may well be some attractive younger person pushing forward. My bet is a woman pushing utopia with white males replacing Jews
I know prices have increased a lot. It will be interesting to see the official story come raise time